Tantric Body Massage

Tantric Body Massage

Our tantric massage therapy shanghai is a sensual massage derived from the teachings of tantric that allows the user to attain peace, tranquility and obviously, pleasure. A Tantric massage relaxes the body and lets the mind wander off on its own into subliminal bliss. A Tantric massage is aimed at providing the mind with the rest it needs, the body with the healing it needs and the soul with the energy it requires.

The final fusion results in reduced tension and stress, the release of built up emotions, better blood flow, lower blood pressure, mental healing and better ejaculatory control.

The Tantric massage itself is a mind-blowing and ecstatic experience that entices the mind and heightens the senses. Once heightened, it sends them on a roller coaster ride they and you will never forget.

Once your true senses have been awakened, the following teasing will really set you off. A Tantric massage however will never be over as soon as you may think. The whole purpose is to give you pleasure rather than making you have an orgasm. The teasing is all part of the massage and absolutely essential.

A Tantric massage is an experience that a definite must if you wish to be truly relaxed and be one with the universe. The changes in intensity from ecstasy to soothing is enough to create an orgasmic massage unlike any other. The created environment, teasing, touching and the massage itself is enough to create an experience that is truly unlike any other. We provide authentic Tantric massages shanghai that are yet to be matched.

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